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2 Peter and Jude reveal a troubling situation that the authors of these epistles must write their audience about. With false teachers preying on the weak and heretical teachings causing confusion and rifts among the believers, Peter and Jude call on the genuine believers to contend against these issues. How these matters are addressed in the letters are of dire importance for the believer today as much as they were for the first century believers. These letters beg the question on how believers will defend their faith and contend against heresy.
In this section of our study we will look over the similarities between 2 Peter and Jude in order to set a more solid foundation for studying the letters as we proceed through them.
In this lesson of our study we will review the introductory matters such as dates, recipients, places, and situation/reason for writing. This lesson will then continue into the text of 2 Peter by looking into the salutations found in the first two verses.
After the intentional salutation to lay the foundation to the body of his letter, Peter wastes no ink in going into the reason for the believer's dedication to knowing how to live according to God's divine power, and the reason and foundation for that knowledge.
Continuing the message that Peter has for his audience, the writer offers why the Christian conduct is important as well as a reminder for dedication to being a part of the Kingdom of our Lord.
Peter has provided his audience what to do as followers of Christ. Now he turns to why it is of dire importance to be certain of their foundation in their faith and relationship with Christ. As if he was on his death bed, Peter implores his audience on how to back their certainty with truth.
After assuring them of his own experience of God's glory, Peter then further draws a backboard to their faith's foundation found in the prophetic message. Peter assures his audience, and assures us, that the message the prophets had, as difficult as they may be, are completely reliable.
Peter now begins his defense of the faith by developing a biography of false teachers to help his audience begin to identify what is authentic and what is not.
Peter continues his biography of the false teachers by identifying their eschatological judgment to come and their arrogant audacity to assume authority.
Peter continues his biography of the false teachers, identifying them by their beastly nature, their animalistic instincts and tendencies.
Peter concludes his biography of the false teachers by unveiling further their intentions while connecting their character to their destiny, one of destruction.
Peter now exhorts his readers to live in light of what they have been taught as well as Christ's return. They are to understand the reality of contention among scoffing "believers" and from the false prophets.
Peter further exhorts his readers to live in light of Christ's return, holy and godly lives. Keeping in line with what is promised to come with judgment, the believer has the renewal of all things to set their eyes on.
Peter concludes his letter with reminders to holy living, warning of distortion of teachings, and to be on guard that they may grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord. He then concludes with a doxology.
In this lesson, introductory matters are covered such as the author's identity, who the recipients were, and more. After the introductory matters, the salutations from Jude is looked at in depth in order for better understanding of the developing theme of the text.
Without delay, Jude informs his readers the reason why he is writing them. He wants them to contend for the faith. While there are certain individuals who will twist and pervert the true Gospel, Jude encourages his readers to contend for the genuine.
After Jude exhorts his readers to contend for the faith they profess, he provides them ample reason to contend for that faith. Those reasons include three examples from the Old Testament concerning God's judgment on the rebellious with three examples of false teachers.
While identifying those the believers contend with, Jude provides scriptural and traditional examples as illustrations on how to conduct themselves in the midst of various types contention. Afterwards, Jude utilized familiar Old Testament language to convey three words of "woe" concerning the false teachers in whom the audience contends with.
Jude further identifies the characteristics of the false teachers with six key markers, that of how they exemplify false teachings and their impending destruction.
Jude concludes his description of the false teachers by identifying their outcome with Enoch's prophecy as an example. With further examples of their characteristics, Jude describes how they are identified.
After having identified the false teachers and their characteristics and actions, Jude implores his readers on how to contend for their faith: Recall what they have been taught. Jude continues with additional instructions on what the genuine believer does to contend for the faith.
Jude concludes his letter with further instructions in how, as believers, they should interact with others with doubt which includes the false teachers. He finalizes his letter with the famous doxology identifying the God in whom the reader serves.